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Meme Marketing: It’s Time to Take Memes Seriously. Here’s the Why and How.

Meme Marketing: It’s Time to Take Memes Seriously

In 1976, Richard Dawkins coined the word ‘meme’ in his book The Selfish Gene to explain how ideas evolve and are shared across different cultures. When the Internet connected different corners of the world, this exchange of cultural artifacts became much faster and a lot more efficient. It’s hard to pinpoint when exactly the modern memes were born. All we know is that they started to gather steam in the late 2000s with the emergence of platforms like 9GAG. In later years, the rise of Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter further advanced the meme culture.  Today, memes are everywhere. Sometimes…

Meme Marketing: It’s Time to Take Memes Seriously. Here’s the Why and How. appeared first on NealSchaffer.com

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