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How RevBoss Earned 120+ Ranking Keywords and Surpassed Their Top Competitors on Google

RevBoss knows a thing or two about generating leads — they’re an email-based lead gen company helping clients execute full-scale, targeted, email-based campaigns. The magic of their services lies in the combination of their software platform and their creative account management teams.

RevBoss designs solutions built on best practices but unique to the needs of every client they serve:

“Everything we do is bespoke for each client,” says Evan Leek, RevBoss’s VP of Marketing.

At the end of last year, as a growing RevBoss was building out their marketing department, they knew they needed to add consistent content as a key piece of their digital marketing strategy.

In October 2021, RevBoss partnered with Marketing Insider Group to create customer-focused content that covered the topics, keywords, and trends most important in their industry. The results one year later? Increased traffic, more leads, and greater online visibility than their top competitors.

In this case study, we’ll explore RevBoss’s journey in more detail — their initial challenges, why their partnership with Marketing Insider Group works, and how you can achieve similar results.

The Problem: A Need for More Consistent Content

RevBoss already had a good digital marketing strategy in place, using their own platform for lead generation as well as Google AdWords. What was lacking, however, was a solid SEO strategy and consistently published content to go with it.

RevBoss did publish content sometimes, but it needed to happen more frequently and intentionally than it was at the time. According to Evan, adding this piece to the puzzle was a top priority. To do it, they knew they needed support.

“It’s hard to create content,” Evan shared. “It’s similar to RevBoss’s value proposition —it’s like, it’s easy to send one email out. But it’s hard to do it over and over again, and with the right messaging. It’s easy to post one article, but it’s hard to blog regularly and consistently, and with a cohesive strategy.”

So while the RevBoss team knew working with a content agency was their best solution, they weren’t without reservations. Hiring an agency is an investment — one you want to be sure will bring in the ROI you expect.

According to Evan:

“Our reservations were around the overall efficacy of consistent blogging. It definitely has a slower burn than, for instance, paid media, where you just spin up a campaign and you might see leads within the first couple of days. You have to trust the process.”

Still, when CEO Eric Boggs decided to partner with Marketing Insider Group, Evan and the team were on board. They knew it was a piece to the marketing puzzle they were missing, and they were ready to go all in to make the MIG approach successful for RevBoss.

The Strategy: Consistent, Optimized, Customer-Focused Content

To achieve real results with content marketing, it takes significant planning and a healthy dose of patience. Most of the time, Marketing Insider Group’s clients see results at about the 3-6 month mark. Before then, they spend time building their SEO strategy, developing a list of target keywords and blog topics, and actually publishing blog articles to their site.

The RevBoss team bought in to every step. They executed their new content strategy seamlessly, meeting with the Marketing Insider Group client team, providing feedback when needed, and doing their part by publishing new content every week.

RevBoss's blog page, where they publish consistent content (delivered by MIG) multiple times per week.

That early time in the process — full of planning and strategy (but not yet real results) — is such an important part of whether Marketing Insider Group clients earn the most possible ROI from their content efforts.

According to Evan: “The process discovery — identifying keywords and topics [and the like] — was a really great way to dig into the types of content we’d be expecting and would want to focus on, and making sure those things relate back to our business.”

The Results: More Traffic and a Surge Ahead of the Competition

For RevBoss, the results showed up just as expected — about 3-6 months into publishing.

“We saw this kind of the upswing — like a hockey stick. There was not much happening, then all of a sudden Google is indexing these pages and we’re getting traffic to them. We’re ranking for the keywords that we want to rank for, and we’re meeting the metrics we established early on. To us, that’s where the [content] quality is really apparent.”

Today, RevBoss has officially surpassed their top competitors to achieve the highest level of online visibility to their target audiences. They’ve published 100+ blog articles and now have more than 120 ranking keywords on Google (20+ in the top 10 and 50 in the top 20).

Content marketing has been fully integrated into their larger strategy, helping to elevate the effectiveness of other tactics as well. Evan put it like this:

“Marketing is very much a channel-driven strategy, and those channels feed off of one another. So if you’re running AdWords and email marketing and a blog, you create a rising tide that lifts all boats. That’s how we look at it. At the end of the day, we’re a lead-driven business. The content optimization MIG has helped us implement and continue to do has really helped us capitalize on that.”

Want to earn similar results?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to content marketing, but Marketing Insider Group executes best practices that we have tested and proven to work. We align them with the specific needs of your company and audience to create a personalized strategy that drives results.

If you are ready to get more traffic to your site with quality content published consistently, check out our SEO Blog Writing Service or schedule a quick consultation to learn more about how we can help you earn more traffic and leads for your business.

The post How RevBoss Earned 120+ Ranking Keywords and Surpassed Their Top Competitors on Google appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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