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And the Oscar Goes to… Our 2023 Content Marketing Awards

marketing insider group shares our awards for best content marketing in 2023

In spirit of 2023’s Oscar Awards, we’re naming 10 small businesses that we believe deserve recognition for the best content marketing.

Every great business owner knows that committing to the best content marketing practices can take your profits to the next level. But what exactly are the best content marketing practices? And how can you apply them to your own business to maximize your ROI?

We have proven that the key to great content marketing is to prioritize consistency and expertise. Sharing meaningful newsletters, blog posts, and social media updates, can make a serious impact on the success of your business.

Not convinced? We have proof! Below, we’re recognizing 10 small businesses that deserve content marketing awards for not only their commitment, but also their impressive results. And, we’re featuring the cold hard facts to prove it.


Quick Takeaways

  • Oberer Homes saw a 26% rise in organic search and 110+ top ranking keywords on Google by committing to consistency 
  • Contract Logix increased search visibility from 11.55% to 12.17% by outsourcing content creation
  • Nutanix gained organic readership of almost 35% by sharing engaging, authentic content via their newsletter, The Forecast
  • RevBoss built a research-based SEO strategy to publish 100+ blog posts and rank for 120+ keywords

When companies are dedicated to the best content marketing practices, they’re guaranteed to see growth and better ROI.

10 Small Businesses With The Best Content Marketing

Without further ado, here’s 10 examples of small businesses that deserve content marketing awards.

1. Most Consistent: Oberer Homes

Oberer Homes, one of Ohio’s best real-estate companies and semi-custom home builders, takes the cake when it comes to consistency.

After realizing their content marketing strategy lacked regularity and data-based research, Oberer partnered with Marketing Insider Group to develop a plan that promised results. After an initial assessment, keyword research, strategy meetings, and a few months of publishing high-quality content, Oberer saw:

  • 26% rise in organic search compared to 2021
  • 17% increase in number of web visitors compared to 2021
  • 6/10 top ranking landing pages are blog posts
  • 110+ top ranking keywords on Google
  • Significant jumps in visibility, traffic, and ranking position

screenshot shows Oberer Homes online growth

Not only did Oberer’s traffic increase, but so did their confidence. By posting content consistently that resonated with their audience, Oberer saw serious results that boosted their performance.

[From: How Oberer Homes Earned More Traffic, Rankings, and Leads with Our Content Marketing Service]

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2. Most Meaningful: Televerde

While consistency and high-volume are major players in content marketing, success is hard to come by without posting meaningful content. Sales and marketing experts, Televerde, saw a 4x increase in ranking keywords after prioritizing the connection their content made with their audience.

Between September 2020 and May 2021, Televerde saw a significant increase in website users (28%), new users (23%), and total sessions (42%). Not to mention, the conversions from their “Contact Us” page also saw an impressive 65% jump.

bar graph shows Televerde’s increase in users, new users, and total sessions

Televerde found success by shifting their focus and sharing content that offered value to their audience. After they committed to delivering high quality content, they saw the best content marketing practices increase both engagement and conversions.

[From: How Televerde Gained Double-Digit Increases in Traffic and Leads with Our Content Marketing Service]

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3. Most Resourceful: Contract Logix

Contract Logix, a B2B SAS company, needed an effective way to teach potential clients about their contract management software. After learning about the power of best content marketing practices, they committed to a strategy that prioritized informative, persuasive content. There was just one problem: they didn’t have the bandwidth to create new content consistently.

That’s where Marketing Insider Group comes in. Contract Logix decided that outsourcing content creation made the most sense for their team, and within 18 months of working together, MIG and Contract Logix:

  • Ideated 150 keywords
  • Approved 136 headlines
  • Delivered 85 1000-word articles

As a result, Contract Logix gained a huge amount of traffic from blog posts, qualified leads, and conversions:

  • Search visibility increased from 11.55% to 12.17%
  • Traffic increased from 13.34% to 13.89%
  • Average position increased from 49.75% to 50.32%

screenshot shows Contract Logix’s increase in visibility after outsourcing content creation

By August 2022, Contract Logix had almost 100 keyword rankings in Google’s top 100. Who knew that outsourcing content creation could be the key to success?

[From: How MIG Helped Contract Logix Supercharge Its Content Marketing Strategy]

Check out: What Is Contract Management Software?

4. Best Growth: Nutanix

In 2019, Nutanix created The Forecast, a newsletter that covers the latest trends in cloud computing, technology, and their impact on business.

By sharing engaging, authentic content via The Forecast, Nutanix has grown their audience with organic SEO, social distribution, paid media, and free subscriptions. Their numbers say it all:

  • Almost 200,000 unique visitors
  • 365,000+ page views (137% YoY)
  • 1,100+ newsletter subscribers (332% YoY)
  • Organic readership of almost 35%

By coupling their high quality content with paid promotions, Nutanix has seen exponential growth in organic search traffic.

screenshot from SEMRush shows Nutanix’s growth in organic search traffic

All of their efforts earned them the title of “2020 Content Award Finalist” for Best Overall Editorial, Best B2B Branded Content, and Best New Digital Publication. Nutanix’s rapid growth from smart content marketing proves that it’s all worth the effort.

[From: Nutanix Content Hub ‘The Forecast’ Wins Awards On Massive Growth]

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5. Most Innovative: DivvyHQ

By combining thought leadership with a quirky, conversational voice, DivvyHQ, a B2B SaaS company, found an innovative way to cater to the needs of their audience. Ever since they applied this approach to their blog-focused content, they saw a 450% increase in organic traffic.

bar graph shows increase in traffic for B2B SaaS company

Their engaging approach to high-quality content earned them:

  • A few hundred email subscribers
  • Dozens of trials and leads
  • 2.4x as many keyword rankings
  • Revenue earned exceeds costs by 7x

DivvyHQ learned that keeping their content engine running is key to success. Now they publish 4-5 new blog articles per week and have an effective content marketing strategy that delivers ROI.

[How Content Marketing Drives Traffic and Growth for B2B SaaS Companies]

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6. Best SEO: RevBoss

RevBoss knows how to find unique, personalized solutions to not only their client’s problems, but also their own. They also understand the importance of a solid strategy, and it shows in their consistent content marketing efforts.

After working with MIG to build a research-based SEO strategy, develop a list of keywords and blog topics, and publish high-quality blog posts to their site, RevBoss surpassed their competitors with flying colors.

graph shows major growth increase for RevBoss after using the best content marketing strategy

With 100+ blog posts and 120+ top ranking keywords, RevBoss has not only proven the power of an SEO-based content marketing strategy, but also reaped its benefits.

[How RevBoss Earned 120+ Ranking Keywords and Surpassed Their Top Competitors on Google]

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7. Best Strategy: Intermedia

Intermedia, a unified communications company, has been hard at the marketing game for 4 years, and it shows in their results. When it comes to the best content marketing practices, Intermedia checks all the boxes:

  • Updated annual strategy based on their business
  • 2 new weekly blog posts
  • Link building through guest posts
  • Sales and executive team webinars and interview-based articles
  • 3rd-party PR Placements
  • Zemanta content promotion

Because of Intermedia’s long-term commitment to great content marketing, they compete with the strongest competition in the market. While it looks like some of their competitors have much bigger paid marketing budgets, Intermedia is outperforming them on SEO in many important topical areas because their strategy and consistency is paying off.

By sticking to a solid long-term plan, Intermedia has made a major positive impact on both their business and audience.

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8. Best Link-Building: Orbit Media

Orbit Media, a web design agency from Chicago, ranks competitively despite being a small business. How, you ask? Strategic link building.

Orbit Media developed a content marketing strategy that focuses on creating:

  1. High-quality content
  2. Meaningful relationships with content marketing influencers

These two aspects work together to attract links back to Orbit Media’s website, allowing their content to rank high and generate qualified leads.

Each of Orbit Media’s blog posts are well designed, optimized for SEO, and feature influencer quotes. When industry influencers are featured in Orbit Media’s content, they often return the favor and send backlinks to Orbit Media’s website. With more backlinks and domain authority, Orbit Media’s content reigns supreme on SERPs.

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9. Most Creative: ConvertKit

As an email marketing platform, ConvertKit knows a thing or two about making connections. By focusing on the interests of their target audience, they created a content marketing strategy that made a huge impact.

To connect with their ideal customer, ConvertKit developed a series of “Creator Stories” to share the challenges, breakthroughs, and successes of online content creators.

graphic shows landing page for ConvertKit’s Creator Stories series

Image Source: ConvertKit

For a content marketing strategy to be great, it needs to add valuable insight to the lives of its customers. ConvertKit combined creativity and value to develop the best content marketing strategy for their business.

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10. Best Leads: Tech Media Agency

One of Marketing Insider Group’s clients (sorry we can’t reveal their name), a tech media agency, knew that it took marketing expertise to generate quality leads. Within less than one year of working with MIG, this client:

  • Earned 200+ ranking keywords (100+ in Google’s top 20)
  • Out-ranked 4 of their biggest competitors in search visibility
  • Gained 3x the amount of inbound leads (from blog posts)

screenshot shows tech media agency’s online growth in leads

After seeing an influx of inbound leads, this client quickly realized the power of sharing high-quality blog articles. By consistently posting content optimized for conversion, this tech media company turned product-page-visitors into first-time buyers.

[From: How a Tech Media Agency Earned 2-3X the Inbound Leads with MIG’s Content Services]

11. Best Overall? Marketing Insider Group

We’ll leave that decision up to you. We are content marketing experts, after all.

At MIG, we know our recommended approach to content marketing works because we walk the walk. It’s hard to generate traffic and rank without spending, but with years of trial and error, we’ve developed a plan that generates results. We see nearly a million visitors every year and all our leads comes directly from the organic search results our content delivers.

The key to creating the best content marketing strategy is building your high-quality content arsenal. Success doesn’t happen overnight, but by consistently creating content that offers value to your audience, it’s only a matter of time before the rankings start rolling in.

screenshot of google SERPs shows that Marketing Insider Group ranks #1 for thought leadership

Source: Google

When you answer the questions of your readers via content, like blog posts, you can compete with big-budget competitors, even if you don’t have one yourself. Here’s the numbers:

  • MIG ranks in the top 100 search results for 23,305 keywords
  • We rank in the top 3 for 577 keywords
  • We rank in the top 10 for 1,451 keywords

When your content ranks, your organic search traffic grows and generates qualified leads. Our keyword rankings grew our search traffic by 6x in just 3 years, and earned us about 100,000 site-visitors per month. I’d say those numbers deserve a content marketing award!

[From: Taking Our Own Medicine: Our Strategic Approach to Generating More Organic Traffic]

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Do You Want To Win Best Content Marketing?

The best content marketing strategies focus on sharing a high volume of meaningful content consistently. When you commit to content marketing best practices long-term, you’re guaranteed to see results.

Not sure where to start? Marketing Insider Group can help. Our team of experts knows what it takes for your company to win best content marketing. Get started today by checking out our weekly blog content service, or schedule a free consultation now to learn more!

The post And the Oscar Goes to… Our 2023 Content Marketing Awards appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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